Friday, 8 November 2013

Automatic Segmentation of the Pulmonary Lobes From Chest CT Scans Based on Fissures, Vessels, and Bronchi Matlab Code


Segmentation of the pulmonary lobes is relevant in clinical practice and particularly challenging for cases with severe diseases or incomplete fissures. In thiswork, an automated segmentation approach is presented that performs a marker-based watershed transformation on computed tomography (CT) scans to subdivide the lungs into lobes. A cost image for the watershed transformation is computed by combining information from fissures, bronchi, and pulmonary vessels. The lobar markers are calculated by an analysis of the automatically labeled bronchial tree. By integration of information from several anatomical structures the segmentation is made robust against incomplete fissures. For evaluation the method was compared to a recently published method on 20 CT scans with no or mild disease. The average distances to the reference segmentation were 0.69, 0.67, and 1.21 mm for the left major, right major, and right minor fissure, respectively. In addition the results were submitted to LOLA11, an international lung lobe segmentation challenge with publically available data including cases with severe diseases. The average distances to the reference for the 55 CT scans provided by LOLA11 were 0.98, 3.97, and 3.09 mm for the left major, right major, and right minor fissure.
Moreover, an analysis of the relation between segmentation quality and fissure completeness showed that the method is robust against incomplete fissures.


Code Price : 2500 Rs /-
Matlab code is Available..
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Computerized Detection of Lung Nodules by Means of Virtual Dual-Energy Radiography Matlab Code


Major challenges in current computer-aided detection (CADe) schemes for nodule detection in chest radiographs (CXRs) are to detect nodules that overlap with ribs and/or clavicles and to reduce the frequent false positives (FPs) caused by ribs. Detection of such nodules by a CADe scheme is very important, because radiologists are likely to miss such subtle nodules. Our purpose in this study was to develop a CADe scheme with improved sensitivity and specificity by use of “virtual dualenergy” (VDE) CXRs where ribs and clavicles are suppressed with massive-training artificial neural networks (MTANNs). To reduce rib-induced FPs and detect nodules overlapping with ribs, we incorporated the VDE technology in our CADe scheme. The VDE technology suppressed rib and clavicle opacities in CXRs while maintaining soft-tissue opacity by use of the MTANN technique that had been trained with real dual-energy imaging. Our scheme
detected nodule candidates on VDE images by use of a morphologic filtering technique. Sixty morphologic and gray-level-based features were extracted from each candidate from both original and VDE CXRs. A nonlinear support vector classifier was employed for classification of the nodule candidates. A publicly available database containing 140 nodules in 140 CXRs and 93 normal CXRs was used for testing our CADe scheme. All nodules were confirmed by computed tomography examinations, and the average size of the nodules was 17.8 mm. Thirty percent (42/140) of the nodules were rated “extremely subtle” or “very subtle” by a radiologist. The original scheme without VDE technology achieved a sensitivity of 78.6% (110/140) with 5 (1165/233) FPs per image. By use of the VDE technology, more nodules overlapping with ribs or clavicles were detected and the sensitivity was improved substantially to 85.0% (119/140) at the same FP rate in a leaveone- out cross-validation test, whereas the FP rate was reduced to 2.5 (583/233) per image at the same sensitivity level as the original CADe scheme obtained (Difference between the specificities of the original and the VDE-based CADe schemes was statistically significant). In particular, the sensitivity of our VDE-based CADe scheme for subtle nodules (66.7% = 28/42) was statistically significantly
higher than that of the original CADe scheme (57.1% = 24/42). Therefore, by use of VDE technology, the sensitivity and specificity of our CADe scheme for detection of nodules, especially subtle nodules, in CXRs were improved substantially.


Code Price : 3000 Rs /-
Matlab code is Available..
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Splat Feature Classification With Application to Retinal Hemorrhage Detection in Fundus Images Matlab Code


A novel splat feature classification method is presented with application to retinal hemorrhage detection in fundus images. Reliable detection of retinal hemorrhages is important in the development of automated screening systems which can be translated into practice. Under our supervised approach, retinal color images are partitioned into nonoverlapping segments covering the entire image. Each segment, i.e., splat, contains pixels with similar color and spatial location. A set of features is extracted from each splat to describe its characteristics relative to its surroundings, employing responses from a variety of filter bank, interactions with neighboring splats, and shape and texture information. An optimal subset of splat features is selected by a filter approach followed by a wrapper approach. A classifier is trained with splat-based expert annotations and evaluated on the publicly available Messidor dataset. An area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.96 is achieved at the splat level and 0.87 at the image level. While we are focused on retinal hemorrhage detection, our approach has potential to be applied to other object detection tasks.


Code Price : 2500 Rs /-
Matlab code is Available..
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