Monday, 27 August 2012

Remove Pendrive Autorun Inf Virus | Remove read only attribute on Command window

How Remove Pen drive Auto run Inf Virus?

Just follow this below command to remove your virus. command prompt on your system.
2.choose your Pen drive Colon.

if your pen drive H: means . type H: on command prompt then press enter.

3.then edit autorun.inf on your command window.

>> edit autorun.inf

4. then note the exe and pif file.
5.Then goto File and exit.
6.Then type attrib -R noted exe file or pif  +s +h. It remove read only attribute on that file.

>> attrib virus.exe +s +h -R

7. Then delete command used to delete the virus.

>> del virus.exe /a

8.Then we remove autorun.inf remove following cmds.

>>attrib autorun.inf +s +h -R
>> del autorun.inf /a

9.Finally we remove the virus on your pendrive.

Related Search : Remove Pendrive Autorun Inf Virus on Pc. Remove pif Virus on pendrive. Remove the read only file attribtes on file using command. attrib read only command for read only files.
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