Cloudsim is the best simulation for cloud computing domain.this tools used for more research papers.In below we sea How to install cloudsim on windows.
1.Download clousim, apache_ant and Java version 1.6 or newer.
2.Then Install Java.
3.Extract clousim and apache_ant files on C:\
set path=%path%;.;"c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_06\bin";
set path=%path%;.;C:\apache-ant-1.8.4\bin;
6.Then set the classpath to cloudsim library files.
for ex
set classpath=%classpath%;.;C:\cloudsim-3.0\jars\cloudsim-3.0.jar;C:\cloudsim-3.0\jars\cloudsim-3.0-sources.jar;C:\cloudsim-3.0\jars\cloudsim-examples-3.0.jar;C:\cloudsim-3.0\jars\cloudsim-examples-3.0-sources.jar
1.Download clousim, apache_ant and Java version 1.6 or newer.
2.Then Install Java.
3.Extract clousim and apache_ant files on C:\ command prompt.
5.Set the path for Java and apache_ant,both are set the path on bin directory.
set path=%path%;.;"c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_06\bin";
set path=%path%;.;C:\apache-ant-1.8.4\bin;
6.Then set the classpath to cloudsim library files.
for ex
set classpath=%classpath%;.;C:\cloudsim-3.0\jars\cloudsim-3.0.jar;C:\cloudsim-3.0\jars\cloudsim-3.0-sources.jar;C:\cloudsim-3.0\jars\cloudsim-examples-3.0.jar;C:\cloudsim-3.0\jars\cloudsim-examples-3.0-sources.jar
7.Then goto cloudsim example folder using cd command.
ex :cd C:\cloudsim-3.0\examples
8.Compile example1 program using Javac command.
ex: javac org/cloudbus/cloudsim/examples/
9.Then Run CloudSimExample1 using java command
ex: java org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExample1
10.Then Result will come and successfully installed cloudsim on your computer.