Monday, 17 June 2013

Color Image Segmentation Matlab code

We have done color image Segmentation  using matlab tool. following steps are used to done color image segmentation.

1. Read image file
2. Apply Fuzzy C means clustering and group the data.
3.Find gradient magnitude for grouped data.
4.Finally apply watershed segmentation.


clear all

close all

warning off

[filename, pathname] = uigetfile( {'*.jpg',  'Jpg Image File (*.JPG)'}, ...

   'Read a file'); 

file = [pathname filename]; 

IM = im2double(rgb2gray(imread(file)));


% load IM

[r c] = size(IM);

data = IM(:);

[center,U,obj_fcn] = fcm(data,4); % Fuzzy C-means classification with 4 classes


% Finding the pixels for each class

maxU = max(U);

index1 = find(U(1,:) == maxU);

index2 = find(U(2,:) == maxU);

index3 = find(U(3,:) == maxU);

index4 = find(U(4,:) == maxU);

% Assigning pixel to each class by giving them a specific value


fcmImage(index1)= 1;

fcmImage(index2)= 0.66;

fcmImage(index3)= 0.33;

fcmImage(index4)= 0.0;

% Reshapeing the array to a image

imagNew = reshape(fcmImage,r,c);


gradmag = imagNew;

g = gradmag - min(gradmag(:));

g = g / max(g(:));

th = graythresh(g); %# Otsu's method.

a = imhmax(g,th/2); %# Conservatively remove local maxima.

th = graythresh(a);

b = a > th/4; %# Conservative global threshold.

c = imclose(b,ones(8)); %# Try to close contours.

d = imfill(c,'holes'); %# Not a bad segmentation by itself.

%# Use the rough segmentation to define markers.

g2 = imimposemin(g, ~ imdilate( bwperim(a), ones(4) ));

L = watershed(g2);

Lrgb = label2rgb(L);


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