Thursday 8 December 2011

Matlab Accuracy ,Precision ,Recall ,F-measure Calculation example code

Here we discuss with following things....
  1. Accuracy
  2. Precision
  3. Recall
  4. F-measure
In above things are used in more research domains.This things are used in classification section, it find out the accuracy of your algorithms.If you have design the algorithm for classification means you have must use these calculation and results.If Research scholars choose classification area means you put these result on your paper.
Below we give some example for this approach.For example you have contain two classes,like Negative sample and Positive sample data have must us following steps for accuracy calculation.
FP rate = False Positive / N; N is the number of negative samples
TP rate = True Positive / P; P is the number of positive samples
Accuracy = (True Positive+ False Positive) / (P + N); / / we generally use
Precision = TP / (True Positive+ False Positive)
Recall = TP / P;
F-score = Precision * Recall;
Accuracy is one of the most frequently used, in some areas, Precision and Recall is also very frequent.
In below we give the matlab code for finding Accuracy ,Precision ,Recall and F-measure Calculation.
FP rate = FP / N;
TP rate = TP / P;
above rates are results of your classes.
function [Accuracy,Precision,Recall,F-measure] = accuracy_calc(FP,TP,N,P)

TN = abs(TP-P);
Accuracy = (TP + FP) / (P + N);
Precision = TP / (TP + FP);
Recall = TP / P;
F-measure = Precision * Recall;

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  1. hi sir,
    how to measure the accuracy in shadow detection and removal in matlab.pls help me sir

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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